Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2500 points to Natcon

So I'm buzzing around with a few ideas for my Natcon tournament list, this being the last time I get to use the 7th ed. army book. I'm either looking at my 3 'letter horde with beast of Nurgle thrown in or hoarding out to 2x40 bloodletter hordes, dropping a Herald of Khorne and grabbing a Winged Death Tzherald.

I figure I was lacking a little bit with magical offense and I found I was tripping over three hordes that weren't making it to the opposite side of the table. the Light Herald and bunker sits in the middle behind my letters the Death herald is there to shoot up the side and get some purple suns off and snipe characters. 

The Bloodletter hordes are the fists of the army and with the buffs from light will hopefull kill nasty stuff like white lions, warriors of chaos, Ogre deathstars and their ilk. Timewarp is the most important spell for the light wizard  to get off in the first turn. This will hopefully put all my flyers in the rear of my opponent's army in the second term. Plus the 3 magic missiles to get rid of chaff and kill stragglers.

Herald of Khorne

Herald of Khorne
Firestorm Blade

Herald of Tzeentch
Master of Sorcery Death
Winged Horror

Herald of Tzeentch (General)
Spell Breaker
Master of Sorcery

39x Bloodletter full command
39x Bloodletter full command
5x Chaos Fury
19 Pink Horror musician, standard bearer, Icon of Sorcery

3x Screamer
3x Screamer

1 x Fiend
1 x Fiend
1 x Bloodcrusher
1 x Bloodcrusher
1 x Beast of Nurgle

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