Friday, February 1, 2013

Kapiti Krushers with Swedish Comp

So ran our Swedish comp  of our armies for NZTC and got the following in descending (or ascending) order;

Nick "Fluffy Bunny" Jebson's Orcs and Gobbos
Dispel scroll -7
Orc Warbos -9
Savage Orc great Shamn -21
level 4 -8
night gobbo shaman -7
level 2 -3
Orc big boss -3
BSB -10
Savage orc Bigunz -47
Shrunken head -6
Goblins -4
Night Goblins -3
Night Goblins -3
6 fanatics, -2 -2 -3 -3 -5 -5
wolf riders -3 -3
Trolls -28
rock lobber -7 -7
doom diver -11 -11
18 Wmp -18

300-239 = 61/10 = 6.1 comp

Hamish "Brick in a Sock" Gordon and his Warriors of Chaos
Dispel Scroll -5
Infernal Puppet -35
Talisman of Preservation -4
Third Eye of Tzeenntch -7
Sorcerer Lord -20
level 4 -8
Marck of Tzeentch -6
Disc of Tzeetnch -4
Exalted hero -4
BSB -10
Chaos Steed -1
Chaos Warriors -21
Mark of Tzeentch with hand weapons and shields -2
marauder Horsemen -3 -3
Chaos Knights -28
Mark of TZeetch -3
SkullCrushers -21
Skullcrushers -26
3 after 6 Skullcrushers -30
each unit after 1st(more than 7) -10

300 -251 =49/10 = 4.9 comp

Samuel "But I really want a Greater Daemon" Campbell

Spell Destroyer -7
Herald of Korne -7, Battle standard bearer -10, armour of khorne -2
Herald of Korne -7, Fire Storm blade -3 , armour of khorne -2
Herald of Korne -7, Fire Storm blade -3 , armour of khorne -2
herald Of tzeentch -7 Master of sorcery (light) -18
29 Bloodletters -40
29 Bloodletters -40 -10
29 Bloodletters -40 -10
10 Pink Horrors -6
3 Screamers -3 -1
3 Screamers -3 -3
Bloodcrusher -3
Bloodcrusher -3
Fiend -6
Fiend -9
300 -252 = 48/10 = 4.8 comp

Herman "The Sherman" Van Kradenburg

Dark elves
Repeater crossbows -8
Dispel scroll -7
Seal of Ghrond -7
tome of Furion -3
dread lord -10
black Dragon -20
Pendant -35
Sorceress -8
level 2 -2
Shadow -4
Level 1 -8
Death -2
Death hag -1
BSB -8
Rune of Khaine -1
Cauldron of Blood -20
Repeater Crossbowman -23
Corsairs -21
Sea serpent standard -3
Shades -4 -6
12 Shades -18
reaper Bolt Thrower -4 -6
War Hydra -40 -2

300 -271 = 29/10 = 2.9 comp

Herman you dirty dirty bastard, well according to Swedish Comp anyway.


  1. LOL! The Dark Elves are notorious for being dirty bastards. We'll skin you alive, but make you suffer all the way, night and day!

  2. PS. May make up for my lack of experience and knowledge of the rules.

  3. That corsair unit was insane to go up against.

  4. might i add thats the point of them...

  5. Death Hag giving them 3 attacks each with re-rolls for hatred has gotta hurt!

  6. Still. A Greater Daemon in the flank is not good for your health. You need to play Hamish and Nick with that list on Thrusday.
