Welcome to the second survey for the Kings of War Kickstarter. We
hope you're all enjoying the game! It's not long now before we'll be
dispatching the next shipment of Kings of War rewards, and we thought
you might like the chance to pick up those extra bits that you missed
first time round.
YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY ORDERED. If you enter items that you have already
purchased, this will confuse your order and may delay it being
dispatched. If you have not kept a record of your original order, please
send an email to stewart.gibbs@manticgames.com
and we'll send you a summary of your order. Any items added in this
survey will be invoiced via Paypal after completion, and this invoice
must be paid before your second shipment can be dispatched. If you have
any questions, please send them to us via the Kickstarter messaging
If you need anything that doesn't fit within the questions on the
survey, or you want to make a change to your existing order, just
mention it in the comments box. Please visit the Kings of War
Kickstarter page for a reminder of the available options:
Please note that this survey only includes new Kings of War products,
not the armies offered with the original Kickstarter. They can be
picked up from our website: http://www.manticgames.com/Shop-Home/Kings-of-War.html
Please complete the form once only, and do not forward the link to
anyone else to avoid confusing the results. All surveys must be complete
by midnight on the 26th of May.(this is has been changed to 2nd of June)
Mantic Games
These are the options available below:
Army Deals
The Kickstarter has not only unlocked a horde of new heroes
and units, it's unleashed some entire armies! Here are some one-click deals to
get you everything you need, with some FREE bonuses thrown in!
Basilean Army Deal- $150 This set contains 6 Elohi, 40
Men-at-Arms, 20 Paladins, 10 Paladin Knights, 20 Sisterhood Infantry, 10
Sisterhood Lancers, and a FREE Sisterhood Panther Chariot! Please enter the
quantity of this deal that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Ogre Army Deal - $125 This set contains 18 Ogres with Melee
Weapons (your choice of Hand Weapons & Shields or Two-Handed Weapons), 12
Ogres with Missile Weapons (your choice of Crossbows or Blunderbusses), as well
as a FREE Ogre Hero, and 2 FREE Ogre Command Sets! Please enter the quantity of
this item that you would like.
The Same applies to the 'Ogre Army Deal', so if you pledge for that at $125 you now get:
27 x Ogres with Melee Weapons (your choice of Hand weapons & Shields or Two-Handed Weapons) - previously you only got 18
18 x Ores with Missile Weapons (your choice of Crossbows or Blunderbusses) - previously you only got 12
1 x Free Ogre Hero
2 x Free Ogre Command Sets
As Deoq said you have to email Stewart on:
telling him you want the increased number of figures rather than
the lesser number of figures (seems strange but it is what Mantic has
come up with, I would have thought it would have been simpler to just
increase everybody's order).
Hope this helps.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
(BOGOF) Deals
Buy one set and we'll double it up for FREE! The same
fantastic deal that we ran during the Kickstarter is back, so if you missed
anything then, now's your chance! Note that this offer is not mix-and-match -
for example, if you add a BOGOF Werewolves, we'll give you another set free,
turning your troop into a regiment!
Basilean Elohi (Angels) - $25 Contains 6 Angels (doubled up
from 3). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Basilean Men-at-Arms - $25 Contains 40 hard plastic
Men-at-Arms (doubled up from 20). Please enter the quantity of this item that
you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Basilean Paladins - $25 Contains 20 Paladins (doubled up
from 10). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
More Paladins here
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Basilean Paladin Knights (Cavalry) - $25 Contains 10 Paladin
Knights (doubled up from 5). Please enter the quantity of this item that you
would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Basilean Sisterhood Infantry - $25 Contains 20 Sisterhood
(doubled up from 10). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Basilean Sisterhood Lancers (Cavalry) - $25 Contains 10
Sisterhood Lancers (doubled up from 5). Please enter the quantity of this item
that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Ogre Warriors - $25 Contains 6 Ogres with Hand Weapons and
Shields or Two-Handed Weapons (doubled up from 3). Please enter the quantity of
this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Hi guys, James here. Sorry in advance if this explanation doesn't *quite* make grammatical sense - bear with me
When we price things up on a Kickstarter campaign, we're working with
theoretical figures. That's no different to how it would be if we were
funding by way of a bank loan, financial backers, or selling off the
large pile of Aztec gold that's hidden under some boxes at the back of
the warehouse. It's stage one of a project - working out roughly how
much we're going to sell things for. The difference is that in the
pre-Kickstarter days, or indeed with any projects we still do that don't
involve Kickstarter, the project goes through several stages before we
sell anything. We get concepts and sculpts done, we send those off to
get tooled, and most importantly, we then find out how much it will cost
to produce the models. Then, by doing some accounting-fu (where words
like "margins" and "gross profit" come up, and I hide in a corner), we
come up with the RRP. This is the price at which we can sell the models
while making enough money to cover the cost of production, wages for all
involved, pay the rent, and put a little aside for a rainy day. (Fun
fact! Some companies inflate that last part rather a lot. We make a
point of not doing that.) Sometimes that figure is the same as what we'd
planned. Sometimes it's a bit higher, or a bit lower.
So let's backtrack a little bit. With the KoW Kickstarter, we set a
price for the Ogres based on what we thought the tooling costs, etc.,
would be. We decided they'd be about the same as the werewolves or
trolls, so $25 for 3 sounded about right. Then, towards the end of the
campaign, we offered the BOGOF deal, where you got twice as much as
whatever you were previously going to get for the same price. Loads of
people were understandably excited about this. At no point were these
numbers the final RRP prices, though - we hadn't gone through those
vital tooling stages to work out the margins and the gross profits and
the whatever else.
Basically, long story short, the BOGOF was for the price on the Kickstarter campaign, not the retail price.
So tell you what we'll do. After all, we're Mantic! We listen. We try hard to make it right.
If you're not happy with the deal you're getting on your ogres, drop an email to stewart.gibbs@manticgames.com
and he'll pick your order out of the pile and make sure it gets an
extra bag of three ogres for each $25 add-on you purchased. So you're
getting 9 for $25, which is $2.78 per miniature, compared to the $5 per
miniature you're getting at retail. How does that sound? You need to get
your email to Stewart before the survey deadline, i.e. before midnight
BST on 02/06/13.
Hope that sorts a few things out
Ogre Shooters - $25 Contains 6 Ogres with Crossbows or
Blunderbusses (doubled up from 3). Please enter the quantity of this item that
you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Abyssal Dwarf/Twilight Kin Gargoyles - $25 Contains 20
Gargoyles (doubled up from 10). Please enter the quantity of this item that you
would like.
source http://therenaissancegamer.co.uk/2012/09/30/invading-mantic-towers-photodump/ |
source http://therenaissancegamer.co.uk/2012/09/30/invading-mantic-towers-photodump/ |
Abyssal Dwarf Immortal Guard - $25 Contains 20 Immortal
Guard (doubled up from 10). Please enter the quantity of this item that you
would like.
Abyssal Dwarf Lesser Obsidian Golems - $25 Contains 6 Golems
(doubled up from 3). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would
from http://therenaissancegamer.co.uk/2012/09/30/invading-mantic-towers-photodump/ |
Dwarf Brock Riders - $25 Contains 10 Brock Riders (doubled
up from 5). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Elf Palace Guard - $25 Contains 20 Palace Guard (doubled up
from 10). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Elf Stormwind Cavalry - $25 (ships later in 2013) Contains
10 Stormwind Cavalry (doubled up from 5). Please enter the quantity of this
item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Goblin Fleabag Riders - $25 Contains 10 Fleabag Riders
(doubled up from 5). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Goblin Mincer - $25 Contains 2 Mincers (doubled up from 1).
Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Orc Chariot/Fight Wagon - $25 Contains 2 Chariots or Fight
Wagons (doubled up from 1). Please enter the quantity of this item that you
would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Trolls - $25 Contains 6 Trolls (doubled up from 3). Please
enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Source Winterdyne @ http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?252482-Mantic-Fantasy-Games-amp-General-News-amp-Rumour-Roundup/page233 |
Source Winterdyne @ http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?252482-Mantic-Fantasy-Games-amp-General-News-amp-Rumour-Roundup/page233 |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Twilight Kin Dark Knights - $25 (ships later in 2013)
Contains 10 Dark Knights (doubled up from 5). Please enter the quantity of this
item that you would like.
Undead Mummies - $25 Contains 20 Mummies (doubled up from
10). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Winterdyne @ http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?252482-Mantic-Fantasy-Games-amp-General-News-amp-Rumour-Roundup/page233 |
Source Winterdyne @ http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?252482-Mantic-Fantasy-Games-amp-General-News-amp-Rumour-Roundup/page233 |
Source: Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Undead Werewolves - $25 Contains 6 Werewolves (doubled up
from 3). Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Winterdyne @ http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?252482-Mantic-Fantasy-Games-amp-General-News-amp-Rumour-Roundup/page233 |
Source Winterdyne @ http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?252482-Mantic-Fantasy-Games-amp-General-News-amp-Rumour-Roundup/page233 |
Source: Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Kings and Legends
The Kickstarter funded a new expansion book for Kings of War
called Kings and Legends, bringing a host of new heroes into the game, with
background, rules, and more. With the book finished, a lot of these heroes have
now been sculpted, and we are able to offer them to you at discounted
Kickstarter prices! * one copy of each of the starred items is already included
with pledges of $225 and above. If this model is already included at your
reward level, you do not need to select it here unless you want duplicates.
Kings and Legends Book - $10 (digital copy included free
with pledges of $100 and up) Please enter the quantity of this item that you
would like.
Ba'su'su the Vile - Abyssal Dwarf Gargoyle Hero - $8 Please
enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Winterdyne @
http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?252482-Mantic-Fantasy-Games-amp-General-News-amp-Rumour-Roundup/page233 |
Berosos, High Priest of Basilea - $8 Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Herneas the Hunter, Dwarf Ranger Hero - $8 Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
* J'zik Gearlund, Dwarf Healer - $8 (ships later in 2013)
Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Kernow, Warden of the Southern Watch, Dwarf Standard Bearer
- $8 Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
* El'Rik Nisleen, Elf Mage Hero - $8 (ships later in 2013)
Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
The Green Lady, Elf Hero - $8 Please enter the quantity of
this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Grokagamok, Ogre Mercenary Captain - $12 Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Ogre Command Upgrade Pack - $10 Contains enough components
to upgrade an Ogre unit with a command group. Please enter the quantity of this
item that you would like.
UPDATE: The Ogre command pack is a banner arm, Champion sword arm, Champion buckler arm, and (hooray!) a set of bagpipes.
* Atlak Nakh, Twilight Kin Hero - $8 (ships later in 2013) Please
enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
* Mikayel, Lord of Nightmares, Twilight Kin Hero - $12
(ships later in 2013) Please enter the quantity of this item that you would
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Lady Ilona, Undead Vampiress - $10 (note that this model is
already included in certain reward levels - see the main KS page for details)
Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
source http://therenaissancegamer.co.uk/2012/09/30/invading-mantic-towers-photodump/ |
http://therenaissancegamer.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/KS-Vampiress-1-198x300.jpg |
Lord Malak, Vampire Hero on Winged Hellsteed (new rider sculpt)
- $20 Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
The Basilean Legacy
The Kings of War Kickstarter allowed us to create an entire
new army - the Basileans, a race of fanatical religious humans (see the BOGOF
section above). To supplement the core of the army funded by the Kickstarter,
there is also a range of heroes and other miniatures available, as well as the
book, containing background and army lists. The focus of this book is Basilea,
but it also contains lists for the forces of Nature and the Abyss. * one copy
of each of the starred items is already included with pledges of $225 and
above. If this model is already included at your reward level, you do not need
to select it here unless you want duplicates.
The Basilean Legacy Book - $15 Please enter the quantity of
this item that you would like.Link to beta army list
* Basilean Angel Hero Jullius - $15 (ships later in 2013)
Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
* Basilean Angel Mage Hero Samacris - $15 (ships later in
2013) Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
* Basilean Lord on Lion - $15 (ships later in 2013) Please
enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Basilean Sisterhood Panther Chariot - $15 Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
Basilean Men-at-Arms Command Upgrade Pack - $4 Contains
enough components to upgrade a Men-at-Arms unit with a command group. Please
enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
UPDATE: The Men at Arms command pack is a banner and drum with drumstick arms.
Basilean Men-at-Arms Crossbow Upgrade Pack - $5 Contains
enough components to upgrade 10 Men-at-Arms to Crossbowmen. Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
Basilean Paladin Command Upgrade Pack - $4 Contains enough
components to upgrade a Paladin or Paladin Knights unit with a command group.
Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
UPDATE :The Paladins command pack is also a banner and horn arms that fits infantry and cavalry.
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Source http://remytremblay.sculpture.over-blog.com/article-paladins-kow-mantic-117759372.html |
Basilean Sisterhood Command Upgrade Pack - $4 Contains
enough components to upgrade a Sisterhood or Sisterhood Lancers unit with a
command group. Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
UPDATE: The Sisterhood command pack is a banner and horn arms - these fit infantry and cavalry
* Druid Hero - $10 (ships later in 2013) Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
* Air Elemental Hero - $10 (ships later in 2013) Please
enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Other Items
The success of the Kickstarter has allowed us to create all
sorts of extra little items to supplement your armies with, and here you can
get all of them at discounted Kickstarter prices!
Kings of War Digital Art Book - $5 Please enter the quantity
of this item that you would like.
Kickstarter Exclusive Undead Dog Handler - $5 (note that
this model is included FREE in pledges of $100 and up) Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Limited Edition Undead Standard Bearer - $10 (note that this
model is included FREE in pledges of $175 and up) Please enter the quantity of
this item that you would like.
Goblin Hero Set - $15 Contains Biggit, Flaggit & Wiz.
Please enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Source Mantic Kickstarter |
Goblin Fleabag Rider Command Upgrade Pack - $4 Contains
enough components to upgrade a Fleabag Rider unit with a command group. Please
enter the quantity of this item that you would like.
Goblin Fleabag Rider Archer Upgrade Pack - $5 Contains
enough components to upgrade 10 Fleabag Riders to Archers. Please enter the
quantity of this item that you would like.
UPDATE: The Fleabag Riders command pack is a banner and horn arms.
Abyssal Dwarf Fire Team - $12 Contains 3 models to make an
Abyssal Dwarf Fire Team. Please enter the quantity of this item that you would
None of these are my Pictures they have been taken mostly from Google image search, and credited where I can remember, or from copies of blogs of blogs. I have updated most of the referenced Pictures. Remember this is just a guide. From mention at Open day, apparently Mantic will be releasing better photos this Friday.
Original pledge guide is here, it should be noted that at 225 you get the goblin Mincer as well.